报 告 人:徐德顺 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院
时 间:2024年11月7日(周四)上午10:00-12:00
地 点:学术会堂604会议室
专家简介:徐德顺 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院研究员,天津大学工学博士,曾在中国人民银行分行、北京大学中国信用研究中心等工作。主要研究方向为全球经济金融治理。

Dr. Deshun XU
Topic:Momentous Changes and Global Monetary Governance: Exploring a More Equitable and Reasonable International Monetary System
Reporter:Dr. Deshun XU,Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic operation
Time:Nov. 7th,2024 10:00am-12:00am
Location:Academic Hall 604,CUFE
Organizer:Institute of Finance and Economics,CUFE
Introduction of the Reporter: Researcher fellow at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, and Doctor from Tianjin University. He had worked in the People's Bank of China Branch, China Credit Research Center of Peking University, etc. And his main research field is global economic and financial governance.
Content Summary: Currency with human life has a history of thousands of years. International currency was born from international trade and has a history of hundreds of years, and gradually entered the human eye after the great geographical discoveryinthe 15th century.To a certain extent,the process of finding an "anchor" for international currencies is the process of searching for equitable and reasonable international currency including its system. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in the 1970s, the current international monetary system's unfairness and irrationality led to global monetary, financial, and economic disorders. In today's world, we should follow the general rules of international monetary development and explore a more equitableand reasonable international monetary system.