报告主题:(Un)Responsiveness to Microfinance: Evidence from Chinese Poverty Reduction Practices
报告人:张静 中国人民大学财政金融学院副教授
时 间:5月25日 下午14:00-17:00
地 点:图配楼314

报告内容提要:The extraordinary achievement of Chinese poverty reduction practice has been well acknowledged. Meanwhile, in these practices throughout the world, microfinance, as the most widely adopted policy tool, has recently been documented to generate almost nil impacts, a frustrating puzzle for both the academia and policy practitioners. By employing the micro-level data of Chinese households from 2005 to 2010, we investigate the effects of poverty fund injection on incomes and expenditures. The empirical results show that the increased income observed afterwards mainly comes from the fund itself, rather than any increases in households’business and/or labor income. After exploring the quantities produced of 122 agricultural products, we find that the little increase in agricultural production as well.